Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Being a christian, and religion

What does being a christian really mean to you?  To me being a christian means honoring God with everything in me. And honoring God ultimately means that I have to honor my siblings like non stop... and everyone around me. I've realized that when people ask others about what they believe they're usually looking for a RELIGIOUS answer but religion is what separates people.  A bit a ago we were learning about knights and historical figures and it was so interesting that most of the battles we read about were over religion and how rulers wanted to convert everyone. I went to a German school two years ago and the first question they asked me was if I was protestant or catholic. I mean, it's not a bad thing to have religion but let me ask you... is it separating you from the big picture?

The problem with modern day churches is that a lot of pastors are softening up the idea of radical living because they're so caught up with religion they miss the big picture. Like the pharisees who were so caught up with following the law that they made being a good little boy their God! Seriously, even Jesus hung out with sinners like tax collectors and prostitutes and He was the God of all Gods!!! Wake up people!

Recently, I was being the kind of person I pray that I don't want to become like. I was playing Go Fish with my brother and I was being a snot.  I didn't lose well and then I realized later that I behaved like a pharisee -- prideful instead of humble, critical instead of affirming. Remember that in the pharisees eyes they always had to be right. I want to encourage you today to keep your focus on the big picture... love people for who they are.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

A forty day fast from self preservation

First off, I just wanna say that trying to not be self preserving for forty days is as hard as HECK!  Mostly because my human nature is to defend myself and to protect my wants and my needs; but fasting from being self preserving to me means that I always care for other's needs before mine. 

There have been a couple times since our family started this fast from self preservation that one of my siblings have told on me about an incident that they thought was on purpose, and when I was told on, I had  a chance to defend myself.  Instead, I immediately asked God what to say in that situation and prayed that I would not be defensive.  Afterward, me and my brother went out and shot hoops together. 

This is not easy, but very revealing and eye opening because I was thinking before we started this fast that it would be easy and no problem... but umm ya God had other plans.  Lately I've realized that I have so much further more to grow in maturity than I thought.  For instance, I seem to have a issue with being defensive towards my dad by saying, "I know," in an exasperated tone of voice and I have felt quite convicted lately.  And I really do need all the prayer I can get because I am FAR from perfect.  I want to be so humble after this fast that nothing, absolutely nothing phases me.  So basically, I want to be BULLET PROOF!